Monday, 27 June 2016

doggy just out of the river.

click on the image !.


  1. Awwwwww, will she go in on her own, just to swim? I've seen dogs who are so excited about swimming, but mine is not like that, AT ALL. She'll go in to get something or to roll around in mud, but "just for fun" doesn't temp her. I love their behavior after shaking off, the crazy run around makes me chuckle. :)
    Is the water cold?

    1. She's not fond of swimming. And I never really made a thing about making her fetch things out of the water. Yes I trained her with the launcher and ball for when I had my mother babysit her when I went to Belgium. But generally no.
      What she doesn't like is being thrown in. I did that the last really hot summer about 3 years ago and the little brat remembered it when I went to throw her in under the bridge a few weeks ago. But she will chase birds in the river and at the beach.
      What I find hilarious it that she shakes from her nose back to the very tip of her tail.

  2. He needs to be a little closer to you when he shakes off!

    1. Ohh, I reached in with a very long lense there.

  3. That's cute! We have several that love to swim (and bother us when we're fishing) and it's entertaining to watch them shake off. In fact, of the seven outside, only two of them won't swim. Sadie will wade, but Sam won't even do that.
