Saturday, 16 January 2016

Fun, or no fun.

Is life supposed to be fun ?.


  1. I don't know but I'm having fun!

    1. Hmm, but a lot of people take life soo seriously. Way too far in my opinion.

  2. I don't know!! There weren't any directions on the package. ;)
    Personally, I don't think it's fun all of the time, but try for it to be as much as possible.
    I'm wondering if this question is out of general curiosity or a rough start to the new year - hope all is ok.

    1. More a metaphysical question that anything. Yeah it's a bit bleagh daylight-wise. But I think those white LEDs I got and hung in the bedroom are having an effect.
      What's annoying me is I'm awaking in the middle of the night. And I started reading the 2nd bin of crap written from 50shades of grey. Which so far is a badly written Romance.
      I think you should try Cetrine. It's a 2nd generation antihistamine. I can breath through my nose enough to fill my lungs. Something I can only do when I'm hiking for a while.
      I've decided on the image for the RHA show. I'm going brutalist with the frame. I can't show it here as it's a one-off which will be published one hanging and open. All hoping I get in. Still can't et in if one doesn't try.
      Have a good Sunday. How did your first week go.

    2. The first week back was fine, thank you. The kids always return a bit bigger and more mature. Getting up early still isn't my favorite :), but other than that it was a good week. We have a three day weekend due to MLK's bday, so it kind of feels like a mini break.
      I was given the second and third books to 50 Shades but couldn't muster the energy to read them. The first one's movie is now out OnDemand, but I haven't found the energy for that either. I'd like to, just to see what everyone was talking about but then again, meh. The movie might be better written though?
      Do you have any issues with drowsiness using the Cetrine?
      When does your image have to be in? Good luck!

    3. No issues at all. In fact it's designed for just that reason. Citrine that is :-).

      I sent the forms off on Friday and decided on the paper. Matte btw. And they have to be in for Friday 5th of Feb.

      And that 50 shades isn't even porn it's just ugly.

  3. Yes. I believe we are meant to delight in many aspects of our lives.
