Sunday, 22 May 2016

Slievenamon on a May Sunday.


  1. Nice views. What are the fields of yellow?

    1. Thanks. I'd say it's the brassica called Rape. It's not tulips I'd say.

  2. I think my favorite part was when you got to the random guy!

  3. Kinda funny that you zoomed in on him. :) His 15 minutes of fame.

    It almost looks like rain coming from some of those clouds in the distance. Despite the green, it almost doesn't look very Spring-ish. Maybe it's hearing the wind.

    1. I could've gone a LOT closer but decided he was better as a form :-).

      Yes, there was rain in the distance. Two, or even three around about the 1 min mark.
      It's odd, we're getting squally showers this year. Really really heavy droplets. Like the ones Kimberly speaks about over in LA. They don't so much splat on the windscreen as splot like a egg.

    2. Wow, the video is REALLY clear! Beautiful view and that yellow is striking. Is that seasonal?

    3. Yes, the yellow occurs about now every year.

      It was an odd day. I now have 10m of mic cable to step in front on the camera. I was going to get a wireless one but this seems a better way at the moment.
