Tuesday, 1 November 2016

In the moment and a few new ones

No photoshop. Acetate gels over the flash.

Now this is a photoshopped edit.


  1. Being partially colorblind, the red mushrooms are the ones I find most appealing to my senses. As always, I am fascinated by any photo involving old ruins and mountains, both of which are absent from where I live unless I drive a couple of days.

  2. Ooo, I love the fungi photos! I would have trouble ranking them in order of favorite, but I think the red would top out the list for me, too. Taken from interesting angles, as well. I'm picturing you lying on your belly trying to capture that.

  3. Those are fun! I also like the red. It shows up in opportune areas.
    I've not heard of acetate gels. Is it like a filter?
    Funny to see your DSLR photographing those taking pictures with a phone. :)
