Thursday, 3 November 2016


I really like what the lense leaves does to street lamps on a long exposure.


  1. That's really neat with the street lights! Have you ever experimented with photography that makes scenes look like miniature toys/models? I've never quite understood how they do that but it always seems like it is a street scene and taken from a long ways away and looking downward.

    1. No, I must look into it. Hmm, do you mean like the tilt/shift effect from high buildings ?.

    2. I think the tilt/shift is the same thing. From my limited knowledge, it can be done using expensive lenses or there is a way to do it using computer software. It has always fascinated me but living out in rural areas with lots of trees, I have very few pictures that would make good candidates.

    3. Yes, you can use photoshop. But the hardest thing is to get a greater than 30 degree angle within the sharp area of the lense where the subjects are sufficiently big enough to see and with sufficient content to be interesting. So generally less than 60degrees. And the reason why 'you' see them in the US more than here is you have more 6-7-8-9 story building in poodunk towns looking down the main drag over a fairly interesting junction.


    5. None of my video editing software has those capabilities listed in the link but I still find it fascinating, especially night shots with that technique.

  2. Yes I love the twinkling of the street lamps! The streaks below, which I assume come from the auto headlights, are pretty cool too.

    1. Yep, headlights, and tail-lights. The red is nearer to me, and higher. Here, most cars are that Japanese design with the hatchback and the array of lamps high on the gate.

  3. I like this! Long exposure as in how long? Not that I'm up to doing anything that fancy with my camera. I'm still an automatic setting person.

    1. The exposure was 10 secs, at f:9 and ISO 100. And sure,it's not any easier to come off the Auto modes than it was in the past but it sure is one hell of a lot cheaper. :-)

  4. Love it! Those lamps are great and the streaks of red just pop. What a fun picture!

    1. Thanks, it took a bit to get the composition. I had to creep along the road. I was worried that the traffic cops would hushy me on off the hard shoulder. But I wasn't in any real danger, I left all my lights on and had the blinker on too.
