I've been messing about with B&W. And I got myself a radio controller to allow the flash to be fired at a distance, or at an angle to the view of the lense. The coffee can, it's the only time I went nuts and bought that brand. If now earns it's living as a pot for pens.
The Jess photo is great! Look at that smile...and that tongue! :)
ReplyDeleteThe controller allows for the flash to light up other areas, other than just right at the camera?
It's very environmentally sound to repurpose a product like your coffee can. I try to do that as much as I can. A lot of packaging doesn't lend itself to reuse, but when it does and works for what you need, why not!
Yeah, this was after a harem-sacrum chase all over creation and she came in an hurt the floor with the bang when she dropped down.
DeleteThe controller allows me to control flash's at a distance and in bright daylight, when the pop-up won't fire the flash. And with the controller I can manage everything from the camera and not have to go to each and every lamp.
You know there's times when you wonder if something is actually better, and you buy it instead of your usual only to discover the stuff was, as we Irish say, shite. All that coffee is is pure marketing, and brand.
But the can being polished steel, it was a grand subject for fine adjustment of the flash power. :-)
Ha! A worn out dog is a good thing.
DeleteI've seen that kind of set up in studios but not made the connection that they're controlling it all from the camera. That's very interesting. Are you able to use it that way outside too? How many flashes are you using?
I cann't reply from my phone and my tablet died on my chest watching video shorts.
DeleteWhat I bought is a radio controller. It allows me to fire as many flashes and studio lamps as I can afford. If they have the reciever either inside them or connected to them they will fire.
The controller has 6 groups and 16 channels, so I can light sections of a big room as I need. That's the theory anyway.
I like the photo of Jess, too. B&W gives her an entirely different look!
ReplyDeleteNormally I would think "give me some green" in a photo like that last one, but it actually looks quite good in B&W. It always sets an interesting mood.
The B&W can do that, and it can also bring things out that colour hides.
DeleteThe last one of the ruin is one of about 20 sites near me I've shot in all light, in all months and in all conditions that never ever come out well. That's actually the best for the tones have created a seperation. To give you an idea of where I am. You know the big funny man mural, well that is directly behind me.
The ruin is right across from the building with the mural? I would never have guessed that!
ReplyDeleteYep, that's what makes it so darn difficult to put in the camera, the town is on three sides of it. And it's on a slope, plus within 50 yards of a river, to the right.
ReplyDeleteThe funny man was from over the edge of the gable.