Thursday, 16 July 2015

Up loads from the new install (photos)


  1. Back in working order now! Good job on the spider and web. That can be tricky and I like how you managed it.

    What's the story on the artwork on the building? I like it.

    1. Yes, it was hard enough to focus on the web right enough. It kept nabbing the three branches behind.

      It's a nursery school/kindergarten I believe. But there's a few such around but way way smaller that that fellow. Why they went so big with him I don't know, nor do I know who he is eitheer.

  2. Let me know what you think of Windows 10 after the install/reformat. I need to upgrade our computer and I've been thinking about doing so after Windows 10 hits the stores here at the end of July so I can get a fresh install versus installing it over Windows 8 if I bought a computer now. (Going off your experience in this matter.) I'm still using Vista so I'm guessing it will be quite the shock.

    1. I found the update to Win 10 program, and I deleted it. I don't want anything to do with that poisonous thing. I've been doing a bit of reading and it seems Microsoft aren't doing anything kind and nice a all. They were watching Google and Apple and realized there was vastly more revenue streams if we had to pay subscriptions or App's for running the system. All of which are in place for Win 7 64x/Win 8.1. If you aren't that bothered being perched on the crest of the newest wave then I'd buy a system today and block KB 3035583 until 10 is up and running for a year. You should be able to pick up a PC for a song that'll keep you for years. It's one darn thing to need apps on the phone, another entirely to run the PC.

  3. Glad to hear you are up and running again. Are you using ten now, or still with seven?
    I TOO would love to hear the story on that building. It's quite colorful.
    The last photo is very secretive. It makes me want to pull the branches back and have a peek at the structure behind it. :)
    On another note, have you heard of/read anything by Sarah Vowell? She's a regular visitor on The Daily Show, which I watch regularly, which prompted me to read some of her short pieces for This American Life. Anyhow, my point, I like the humor in her writing and have held a couple of her books at the library. I wonder if a historian like yourself would like them, or if they're just written for dummies like me.

    1. Ta. Nope, still 7, and will be so until hell freezes over if what I'm reading about Microsoft's plans are true. Upgrade out of a system that has capabilities you bought to one where you have to buy them, yeah right !.

    2. Sarah Vowell. No, not come across her. Her choices are interesting though. They are relatively closed in a sub-set of study that usually takes a narrow starting point and widens dramatically fast.
      Now without biting my arse, but women historians tend to view the acted upon than the actors. And not so much in the context of women in history where the principle would've been her father and then her husband. But not how systems affect individuals either. They write a history with a strong thread of subversion.
      Now that comment isn't damning with faint praise. Nor am I lauding it. What I am saying is where men tend to write history with their subject in control be the subject a man or woman and loses or at least rarely wins, a woman tilts the writing to not being in control, but strong.

    3. I’m sure that’s a stereotype I should whole heartedly shake my fist at and defend, :) but I wouldn’t have any recourse to do so. And let’s face it; a lot of stereotypes have a basis in truth. I can see where that would be the case, at least at an empathy stand point. I haven’t read any of the books yet, but from her short pieces she tends to write with a lot of humor, capitalizing on the silliness of situations. Which makes me want to read it, but I was curious if that would be frowned upon at the scholarly level.

    4. If you find something interesting and fun, go for it. You'll always find someone to rain on it, and without looking too hard either.
      Like I'm very curious if the police shootings adjudged clean are in fact clean. And if it's a function of so many amateur soldiers ending up in Iraq and Afghanistan returning home but bringing the stress and training, and response. Where the inclusion of the video camera by on-lookers is serendipitous. Or was it the case that some regions had what amounted to a shoot to kill policy for some areas.
