Sunday, 18 October 2015

Not great, but not too bad for a first try either. And oddly in the cast of Augustus Caesar


  1. Good good. Although I'm not sure how odd the resemblance is...aren't you quite studied in this subject matter? :). The sketching on the tablet is what I'm finding most difficult. But I do think that thin line does help.
    I forgot to mention that I went to the Getty last night for a music event, and we went a bit earlier to visit some of the changing exhibitions, including the Power and Pathos one. The sculptures were very impressive, far more so than I'd imagined from the pictures. I wasn't all that impressed with the way the gallery had been arranged or how the pieces were displayed, but that had nothing to do with the pieces themselves. I had not realized the amount of detail that would be in them. And was also surprised how many of them were found by accident after showing up in fishing nets. Photos were not allowed, otherwise I'd post about it to share them.

  2. More the Greek side to be honest, but yes, I'm intimate with Octavian. Not to invite to tea mind, but enough to say Hi. Actually more than that :-).

    Scary just how good those things are isn't it. There's very very very few today to better, and one or two every 100 years to approach, Rodin and Michaelangelo. So perhaps every 500. But I'm really glad you saw them. They aren't ever seen together. And surprising the number found in Asia Minor.

    The art program that came with it has options for drawing. And since you have A.I. you'll pop right in, I suspect.

    1. And the size of a lot of the pieces was also a surprise. The boxer that they showed in a lot of the literature was gigantic. There were several smaller ones, but some were larger than life sized. Several of the heads that had been part of a fuller-size figure were quite large as well. I'm glad I got to go too. It was interesting.

  3. Nice drawing. I've never advanced beyond stick figures.

    1. Meah, it is what it is. But like with the Patience card games MS ships in your machines using other applications can greatly aid hand-eye coordination.
