Tuesday, 9 February 2016

It's been so dark here I needed to see something from last summer !.

Same place, same day. And 20 yards along but the sun went behind a cloud. (Why don't we say the cloud went before- in front of- the sun. )


  1. As of right now, my watch says I walked 14,048 steps today, but that's only 5.84 miles for me. Must be the short legs. :) I hadn't even thought about everyone's step length being different. On the clip on pedometers you have to measure your stride, but I didn't have to with the watch. Did you?
    Both photos are very nice, but of course the light in the first is wonderful. Such a beautiful walk!
    Hottest temps on record today and yesterday here. I came back from dismissal this afternoon with a sunburn! Plenty of light!!!
    Is the sun "behind the clouds" because the sun ranks higher in so-called status than the clouds?

    1. I suspect the truth is you need to lengthen your stride in the settings and I need to shorten mine. I measured one of mine and it was 38 inches. But you never walk to that type of step. So walk the length of the drive or car. Then you'll have 4/5/6 steps in and then average them. A known distance it seems.
      Anyhoos, I shortened mine to 34 inches. They say 30 inches is average, then to compo for length of leg in different people you'd go up or down from there.
      In truth though adding a couple of inches to the pants leg measure wouldn't be too out. And you girls need to add one or two more unless you've the hips of a boy. Physics says the width would extend the throw of your leg :-).
      And isn't your mile shorter as well ?.

      Ta, yes it's a lovely walk. Jessy came back slathered in crap. And when made to go into the boot wasn't a best pleased monkey. Nor when bounced into the shower. I hate it when she does that.

    2. Ha! Neither Rigby nor my other dog Koho cared much for water, but find them a mucky pond surrounded by mud, both in heaven. Starting with the nose, rolling the head, and then falling down into it - like a pig in slop! It has to be the smell? It's kind of funny until, of course, you have to clean it.
      I'll have to check the settings. It never asked me to enter in the stride at initial set up, so I'd assume it was measuring.

    3. And she is SOOOO pleased with herself when she's covered in some animals scat. My one adores water, just not being all-over-showered. You know she won't settle if after a walk she hasn't had her feet and undercarriage sluiced off in the shower.
      My App asked me for a stride length.

  2. The cloud getting in front of the sun makes the cloud sound sinister but the sun disappearing behind a cloud doesn't have the same sinister connotation. I never thought of it that way.

    With modern phones, you shouldn't have to calibrate them since they have accelerators to detect steps and a GPS to detect distance. I'm not sure what kind of setup you have.

    1. As I said above, the App's ask for a stride length. And of course I'm mean so I switch off the Data ergo no GPS, :-).

  3. Okay... now I can't stop thinking about the sun going behind the cloud. I bet I'll catch myself before I use that phrase again!

  4. Lovely lanes--they bring out my wanderlust.
