Tuesday 16 February 2016

Todays count.


  1. 4.08 mph is pretty fast for walking!

    1. Where I walk the dog the has a large well built road. Better in fact to most that we drive on, albeit not tarred. So you can get a good head of steam going.

  2. That's great! Did you purposely do more today in order to hit 10? It's kind of addicting, isn't it!?!
    I was thinking it'll be interesting to see what your steps are on a day you go up the mountain. :)
    Been looking thorough the app for the watch, but I can't find my mph. I'm sure it's low compared to my steps due to all the stops and starts in the classroom.

    1. No, not more. This is my usual walking regime for for Jessy. That's why she a fit little scamp. I set the goal at 7000 for I think it's better to feel you've got there rather than a snitty little app ssaying you need more steps.
      That Fitbit App needs a LOT of information about you.
