Monday, 15 February 2016

Phone photo and exercise.

Blast Kimberly and her darn Fitbit for I'm now hooked on measuring my steps. I even went and bought a new phone since my old one was a bit dated. The new one is Android 5.2, so new until last November, So I'm still not up-to-date with the tech. I was a bit shocked at the quality of the image, and that I could seat the focus point on the 1/3 intersection if I wanted. Yes, it hasn't the resolution of my big camera but it shows why the point and shoot market that the major camera manufacturers made 80% of their money has vanished.


  1. Fun framing on the second shot. Is it something that came with the phone or did you download an app for it?

    Phones (as with all technology) are obsolete the minute you walk out of the store with them. ;)

  2. So it would seem. But I'm never a 1st taker-upper nowadays. I tend to wait a while, mostly.

    It was on the phone. I was just messing about with it. And there's TONS more.

  3. Well, I guess if I have to be blamed for something, that's not too bad. It can't hurt, anyways. :)
    The phone cameras get better with each new release. If it's been a bit since upgrading your phone, I bet the camera is exponentially better. It'll be interesting if you find the quality on par with your big camera. I know they are getting close, if not already there. The frames are fun and that blossom is very pretty.

    1. I couldn't figure out how to put a full stop when I spoke the comment into the phone :-).

      No, they will never be on a par with the interchangeable lense cameras. But that has to do with the glass. However since all screens display at 72 pixels per inch when you see from the sensor isn't that noticeable, ab initio. But like with me and the blog, I've reduced the size of the files and therefore the resolution when they are blown up beyond the size of the screen. It will get pixilated. This goes a distance to prevent someone downloading it and printing 30x40inch. Which you could easily do with the way I was uploading before.

  4. I am going to see if the voice thing works stop it seems that I can't put punctuation stop so I'm going to speak in telegraphese stop yes it's quite fun learning something new stop I got the 7000 by the way stop

  5. I so often use my phone to take photos--they have become amazing in their ability to capture an image

  6. Somewhere, I watched a documentary on a guy who was a photographer and someone made the comment to him that with his fancy cameras, anyone could take good pictures. It got him to thinking and so he spent an entire year taking a daily photograph using only his camera phone centered around a large tree in the field behind his house and published it in a book. The pictures were outstanding and proved that you don't have to have fancy equipment to take quality photos, you need someone such as yourself with talent.

    1. Ed - I saw a story about that somewhere, too. It was either in a magazine I read or online. I was quite impressed with some of the photos!

    2. Yes, when the artists guys get a bit stale with whatever they are using they go for large format film. The kind of camera you need a special car to bring with you. It forces them to relearn or adjust their thinking and this can dramatically change their output. But those gigantic cameras aren't much better than what they had in 1880 shooting dead bodies in Dodge for the eastern press and public to ooh and aaah over while buttering their breakfast toast. And the low end DSLRs are perhaps even more complex than the pro ones simply because all their controls are within menues while the pro bodies have them on the outside where they can be gotten too while the eyepiece is to the eye.

  7. I found a link to the website promoting the story I told above.
